Which Type of System Do I Need?

A fire alarm system is one of the most fundamental safety features of any business premises. Ensuring that your system falls into the correct category and provides a broad enough level of protection is also a legal requirement, so it certainly pays to get properly acquainted with the various types of fire alarm systems.

Fire Alarm Types

Each of the eight categories of a fire alarm system can be brought under three core types: manual, life protection and property protection. Ultimately, the type and category of alarm system that your premises requires will depend on the following factors:

Manual fire alarm systems (M)

Manual fire alarm system are the most basic of all, and rely on the occupants of the building to help detect a fire and spread the message to other occupants. That is, someone will need to press a button or pull a level in order to set the alarm off. Typically, these buttons will be placed around a building in the form of a break glass unit.

Legal Requirements

Legal requirements around fire extinguishers for London businesses are complex and depend on several factors.

How many fire extinguishers you need — and which type — will depend on the nature of your business, the amount of floor space on your premises, and the number of storeys.

We are able to assist and make sure all requirements have been met, taking the hassle of the process away!

Claim a Free Extinguisher with Every Order Placed

Having enough fire extinguishers on-site is critical to keeping your business safe.

What People Are Saying

Dont't just take our word for it. Here's what we've done for some of our parters in london as a trusted leader in fire and security system and ongoing maintenance.